HOA Dues
Annual Dues are set in November for the next calendar year. Annual Dues for 2020 are $200. Payment is due by January 1 of each year. Late fees of $30 and interest penalties (18% annually) are incurred on accounts not paid by January 31. The Dues are an annual obligation and cover the calendar year of January to December.
The Dues are not a discretionary payment. All Homeowners are required to make timely and full payment of dues pursuant to the Article VI – Determination and Payment of Assessments, of the Apalachee Plantation HOA.
Timeline for Collection Policy
Reminder letters are sent to everyone who has not paid their current dues. If your account is 60 days past due, a pending lien notice is mailed giving homeowner 30 days to pay all outstanding fees. If the account is not brought current within 90 days from original due date, a lien is filed against the property. Once a lien is filed, the property cannot be sold until the account is brought current.
Failure to Pay Dues
The Board is given authority to file a lien or foreclose any lien against property owners that fail to pay assessments when due. It is not the goal of the Association to file liens, so please pay your dues in a timely fashion. The Board thanks you for your timely payment.
- Annual Dues must be paid no later than the last day of January and are considered late if not received by that date.
- An administrative late charge of $30.00 per month shall be incurred for any late payment and on any outstanding balance. The $30.00 per month late fee will accrue until Annual Dues, including 18% annual interest, are paid in full.
- Payments shall be applied in the following order: Cost of Collection—Any cost, including attorneys' fees, recording costs, title reports and/or court costs incurred by the Association in the collection of delinquent dues shall be added to the amount owed by the delinquent owner.
- Administrative late fees owed to the Association.
- Collection costs and attorney's fees incurred by the Association.
- Principal amounts owed on the account for common expenses.
- Any past due assessments may cause a lien and foreclosure to be filed against the owner.
- Cost of Enforcement: If any owner (either by his or her conduct or by the conduct of any occupant) fails to perform any act that he/she is requested to perform by the Declaration, the Bylaws or the Rules and Regulations, the Association may, but shall not be obligated to, undertake such performance or cure such violation and shall charge and collect from said owner the entire cost and expense, including reasonable attorney's fees and/or court costs, of such performing or cure incurred by the Association. Any such amount shall be deemed to be an additional assessment and shall be due and payable immediately following notification of such charge, and the Association may obtain a lien for said amount in the same manner and to the same extent as it were a lien for common expenses.
Click here to pay HOA dues.
All Annual Assessments are due by January 1. The 2019 HOA Dues are $175.
Apalachee Plantation will no longer use PayPal for dues payments. Instead, Homeowners may pay online at http://www.smgmgmt.com/online-payments/. First time users should click on Create your Account button on the right side of the PayLease On-line payment screen. It will then ask you to enter your personal information and create a password. PayLease does not have information about a homeowner's assessment status nor does it give the amount due. PayLease charges a convenience fee for this service. The convenience fee charge does not go to the HOA or to SMG.
The homeowner needs to input the amount they are paying in the space with the -0-.
HOA Dues May Be Mailed to:
Apalachee Plantation c/o
SMGmanagement of Atlanta LLC
Attn: Helen Johnson
P. O. Box 76697
Atlanta, GA 30358
Phone: 404.372.8856