Resident Information and FAQ's
The majority of residences in Apalachee Plantation are owner occupied, but there are a few leased houses in place. All residents, however, must adhere to the Use Rules established by the Covenants and Board of Directors. Our common goal is to maintain the appearance and value of our properties.
Yard and Flower Bed Maintenance
Yards and flower beds should be cut and edged at least every two weeks during the growing season and any weeds removed. Bare dirt areas should be covered with grass, landscaping, mulch, or ground cover and grass clippings should not be left in the street, sidewalk or driveway. Tree branches should not hang low over the sidewalks or extend into the streets. Click here for Yard of the Month criteria.
What are some very common violations?
- Not maintaining your yards (cut and edge regularly and remove weeds).
- Not placing trash cans and recycling containers out of view of the street.
- Unleashed dogs or not picking up after your dog.
- Not requesting pre-approval for architectural or landscape changes to your property.
- Failure to comply with parking restrictions.
If you have a violation, what can you expect?
- You will receive a first notice letter giving you 10 days to correct your violation.
- If you have not corrected the violation and notified the management agency within 10 days, you will receive a $50 fine charged for non-compliance.
- Continued violation after the second letter may result in additional monthly fines, late fees and interest charges assessed against your property.
Please do not hesitate to contact Helen Johnson if you have any questions or concerns or if you feel you cannot correct your violation in a timely manner.
Frequently asked questions
Q: What is Apalachee Plantation homeowners' Association?
How do I become a member?
A: The Apalachee Plantation HOA is an organization created to address various neighborhood issues, including maintaining the common areas, safety, and landscaping of the Apalachee Plantation Subdivision. The HOA has the authority to enforce the covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&R's) that are applicable within Apalachee Plantation. The CC&R's are issued to each homeowner, and the Apalachee Plantation HOA was established to ensure that they are adhered to in order to maintain the quality and value of the properties involved. Apalachee Plantation is a mandatory HOA which means that anyone who owns property or lives within Apalachee Plantation is a member of the Apalachee Plantation HOA.
Q: What is Board of Directors? How are the directors selected?
A: The Board of Directors consists of a minimum of three members. Election is held at the Annual Meeting or appointed by the Board according to the By- Laws. For details of the Board, please refer to By-laws.
Q: What is HOA Management Company? What is their role inside Apalachee Plantation? Why do we need them?
A: Most HOAs hire a management company to do a majority of the office-type work (e.g., collecting monthly dues, assisting with enforcing the Covenants and Use Restrictions, mailing letters, taking complaints, etc.). The HOA Management Company works hand-in-hand with the Board to address all issues and/or concerns of the neighborhood.
Q: How many committees do we have? What are their responsibilities? How do I participate?
A: Two. The Architectural/Landscape (ARC) Committee that addresses issues and makes most of the landscaping decisions. The Communication Committee that addresses community involvement by planning and implementing neighborhood events and functions. To get involved, please contact hoa@apalacheeplantation.com.
Q: Can I park on street?
A: The Apalachee Plantation Covenants restrict limit parking to garages and driveways with limited short-term parking on the street. However, the subdivision has Gwinnett County governed streets. As such, all homeowners, residents and their guests are subject to the Gwinnett County Code governing street use. Additionally, the Apalachee Plantation Board would appreciate any and all homeowners that can to utilize their garages for parking as often as possible instead of leaving cars on the driveways. Keeping vehicles in garages and the garage doors closed (which is also a Covenant Use Requirement) will also help with safety in the neighborhood.
Q: Do I need permission to plant or place things in my front yard?
A: It depends. For those large plants with deep roots such as trees and tall bushes you do need to file an Architectural/Landscape Change Request Form since it relates to the architectural safety of a residence. No objects or figurines should be placed in a resident's front yard with the exception of holidays without permission. Holiday treatments should be removed no later than 30 days after the holiday.
Q: When can I leave my trash can out?
A: Garbage cans should not be put out before 5:00 P.M. the evening before pickup and removed the day of pickup. The garbage is picked up every Friday except as modified by holidays.
Q: What are the rules concerning keeping pets inside Apalachee Plantation?
- All animals must have proper identification and license.
- All animals must be kept on a leash at all times while outside the home.
- No pets may be left unattended in a yard that is not fenced.
- All animals' feces MUST be cleaned up from any yard or back yard, sidewalk, or roadway and disposed of by the owner in a plastic dispenser bag in his own garbage can.
- Any damage done to a neighbor's property or person (i.e. cat on roof or hood of a car resulting in spots or scratches, injury to person) will be paid by the pet owner.
- No breeding or boarding facilities will be maintained within any lot or on the common areas.
Q: What are the rules for having a party inside Apalachee Plantation?
- Parties are only allowed within the confines of the individual lots.
- The residents/owners are responsible for the conduct of their guests at all times.
Any resident/owner has the right and should exercise the privilege to:
- Call the party down if too loud or boisterous.
- Ask for the party to cease after midnight, if necessary.
- Call the police if the party is out of control, language is abusive or a nuisance being created.
Q: I noticed some issues inside Apalachee Plantation that might be against our community rules and regulations, how do I report it?
A: You can report violations by contacting Management Company. When describing violations, please explain in details including which rules/regulations you think this homeowner/renter has violated. This will help to confirm the violation and make a well-informed and well-grounded decision in a timely manner.
Owner and Renter Home Resources
- Apalachee Plantation Covenants
- Welcome Letter
- Quality of Life: Property Maintenence
- Gwinnett County Quick Resources List

Buyers and Sellers
You must request a closing letter for any house that you are selling in the neighborhood. If you or your agent do not request a closing letter, the new homeowner must pay all unpaid HOA fees up to date.

Request a Closing Letter
Click to request a closing letter.