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Neighborhood Services Directory

If you are a Apalachee Plantation HOA member and have a service to offer, such as computer repair, lawn care, pet sitting, baby sitting, carpentry and would like to be listed here, please send an email to the webmaster with your name, the service(s) you provide, and how to contact you.

If you would like to recommend a service provider to other Apalachee Plantation members, please provide the information requested in the form below.

Please note: The Apalachee Plantation Board has not undertaken to evaluate any recommendations made by members and makes no representation as to the quality or character of the recommended persons. A recommendation by a member is based on that member's experience only and is not a recommendation or ratification by the Apalachee Plantation Board. Members are encouraged to independently investigate any recommended person before hiring.

Contractors/Service Providers

TruClean Pressure Washing
Contact Joel for our negotiated rates for Apalachee Plantation: ph: 770-367-0303


Home Maintenance Services: Milton Hernandez ph: 678-938-8082


Roof Pros: Michael Fry ph: 678-231-1112


Submit Your Business Here

Free listing available to Apalachee Plantation residents only.

crab apple
 © 2014-2020 Apalachee Plantation; Design and Photography by Writing on Dawal

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